Facebook to offer *McAfee Scan And Repair*

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Aneh rasa bin ajaib kalau tiba-tiba account facebook saya EdyPk TheKing's keluar dengan sendiri nya tanpa di klik log out.. telisik demi telisik ternyata Facebook merekomendasikan salah satu anti virus *McAfee Scan And Repair*, begitu saya mencoba log in malah keluar pesan yang berbunyi seperti ini..

# For security reasons your account is temporarily locked
Unfortunately, your computer appears to be infected with a virus.
Don't worry. We'll help you find and remove any infected files right away.

# How you might have been infected
Often, users who are infected with malware are tricked into running a malicious program, which infects their machine with malware. Remember, you should never run programs from sources that you don't trust.

#McAfee Scan And Repair
We're pleased to offer McAfee Scan and Repair to you at no charge. If any infected files are found, McAfee Scan and Repair can remove them for you automatically. If you prefer, you can also remove them yourself.

By clicking this button, you are agreeing to the McAfee Scan and Repair terms of service. 

kemudian saya mencoba log in dengan account yang satu lagi EdyPk TheKing's II berhasil tanpa ada nya pesan seperti yang di atas..  

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